How Property Managers Can Use Oscar.

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Parking apps like Share with Oscar are redefining how property managers operate. This simple, yet powerful tool offers an inexpensive way for commercial teams to manage parking—and many of the tasks that commonly fall by the wayside just aren’t trained employees can do.

At Oscar, we help property owners maximise parking revenue and improve customer satisfaction by streamlining the management process. We do this by using cloud-based parking applications which allows landlords, managers, and support staff to easily oversee parking revenues. With Oscar, managers can immediately gather data to make informed decisions.

If you run a parking operation or are a property manager, the key is to get more money with less work. Here is how:

Oscar can be used as a reservation system for assigned parking spots at your building:

Do you have communal parking, or do you charge your residents a fee to park in certain spots? You can manage who is permitted to reserve these spots through Share with Oscar and limit access accordingly.

To use this feature, you can individually upload your spots to our application. However, if you have a lot of spots, we can import them in bulk. Contact us here, or drop us a line at, to find out more.

Monitoring Car Park Activity:

Oscar allows you to control who can reserve parking spaces. Most buildings limit access to just tenants and staff, while some buildings add trusted guests or people who work on-site (like at a mixed-use building). Still others allow anyone to park on site and use Oscar.

Whatever the case, you can always go to Manage your tenants on our app or set who has permission to park in your parking lot.

Maximise the ROI from your assets with a marketing partner:

We’re an extension of your team. Parking isn’t your core business, but it is ours. We live and breathe it every day, and continuously strive to optimise the experience, process, and technology to maximise ROI. Leverage Oscar’s experience, marketing channels and customer reach. Tap into Oscar’s know-how in data-driven marketing to achieve maximum utilisation and returns on your parking and storage assets.

Maximise Unused Parking Spaces:

Oscar provides a portal to match tenants with a spare parking space to those who need a parking space. Even reserve storage, visitor bays and EV charging stations through the platform.

Offer residents a seamless parking experience to book parking or storage quickly and easily through a platform that takes care of it all for you.

So what is the takeaway for property managers and renters and managers?

1. Casual and Monthly Parking, Visitor Parking, EV charging, and Storage rentals. Automated payments processing and invoicing, inc. bonds.

2. Security and verification

3. Real-time alerts and reminders

4. Customised settings and rules

5. Integration with existing platforms

6. Chat functions for communication

7. Closed or open network (i.e. tenant only, or accessible by the public)

Look. Book. Park. Download the app

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